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BniX • 1 year ago

If the doctors irl had the Divine Eye of Farma, the mortality rate of the whole world would be greatly reduced lol....

KeqingMain • 1 year ago

If so we'd wish for it to cost the same as loaf of bread or not the same value as diamonds

Sprayquaza • 1 year ago

They would sadly find a way to add a paywall there too , today's medical service has become rather predatory (There are rare exceptions). EDIT :- PLAGUE DOCTOR MASK HELL FCKIN YES!

Medical services are basically business now. I can assure cuz I made tons of websites for doctors over the past years every single one of them they treat it as a business. only ppls with money can afford medical services

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

it's a vicious cycle of highway robbery from medical schools, pharma companies, research labs, it's a closed system where one part of the cycle raises prices then everyone else raises. We'll see if Marc Cuban's drugs at cost company can take off (hope it does). There's no reason Americans have to pay 100x higher than the price of the drugs they sell to other countries. Americans are funding their research budget.

2hands • 1 year ago

I've used cubans site, it's legit. Easy for old ppl to use lol. I hope nothing happens & it makes it

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

really hope they don't try to take it out

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Well it's our fault for allowing them to continue getting away with it, especially their mistreatment of the poor smh. We don't demand nor force them to change.

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

My pitchfork doesn't seem to be threatening enough

Jack Schmit • 1 year ago

I am Canadian and apparently just ONE of the medications I have to take for asthma costs X10 times as much in America, over $1000 a month. And I kind of need to breathe, occasionally.

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

then some of them will lie about your condition to make it worst and become there milking cash cow and suck you dry srsly some doctors in these era became a vip person in hell

Bruh • 1 year ago

USA is the only country that does this.

in UK it's all free and non-profit.

Kirito • 1 year ago

Going to hospital is takai

Rachel Weiner • 1 year ago

So doctors are slaves in your country?

Bruh • 1 year ago

no they're paid in the same way police, firefighters, teachers, military and politicians are in your country (taxes).

It's similar to how you would phone the police when there is a crime or firefighters if your house is on fire. You don't pay for that up front because it's already funded through taxes.

USA is the only country where you phone the ambulance and go bankrupt lol.

I bet in the future Americans will privatize the fireservice and police as well so you have to pay thousands of dollars to call a fire truck out to your house lmao.

Rachel Weiner • 1 year ago

The difference is one is actively protecting the public. The other is a service like food and water.

while some medicines are expensive due to some other paywall but most of them is the cost on how they make the medicine ,I've had an untie where her medicine wouls cost almost 300dollar and you hat to take it 3times a day, even though other services is free, the medicine is just expensive to be free.

Kirito • 1 year ago

Grandma Casper saves the day in this episode even though those guys think she would retired because her medicine is not needed anymore turns out she already has the cure for this black death

Kirito • 1 year ago

Those white flying squirrels is kinda cute

But that's just wishful thinking... If people had that, why not just wish for a cure for anything? Both are equally fantastical (fantasy-like) things.

Bruh • 1 year ago

It's free in UK.

USA are the only people in the world that treat medicine as a business.

Qween Qingzanor • 1 year ago

Rightist Libertarians still think Capitalism is great for social programmes, but Leftist Libertarians are usually more informed that US Healthcare is failing as is.
US Republican-Democrat Duopoly is Big Pharma's puppet.
But UK Rightist Kleptocrats have been steadily cutting social programmes over the years though.

Kirito • 1 year ago

That holy knight let out those squirrels to spread disease

Pat S • 1 year ago

As someone in a civilized country I can't relate.
I did once fight an ambulance charge of 15$ though

Bruh • 1 year ago

in UK it's free :D

Satoshi Ookami • 1 year ago

Well, 'free'.
You still have to pay insurance.

Although, yea, that won't bring you to bankruptcy like in the US.

Oros • 1 year ago

nah, big pharma keeps the government in its pocket to keep medicine up. if doctors had that, they'd make them put out laws to only use it for surgery. gotta keep dem $$$ coming in from the sick and dying, and if they can't pay, guess they'll hafta die.....

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

oh no you no have money then you no have life...laughs maniacally stroking a white cat/squirrel

LaPlace Liebehearth • 1 year ago

That scalated quickly xD from a comedian to a maniac suicidal with a lust for chaos

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

LOL i was imagining Dr. Evil

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Yup, and we allow them to continue getting away with this atrocity since we don't force and demand them to change. They're criminals with a license to manufacture tons of drugs and drug deal on a level not even all the illegal drug kingpins combined could compete smh.

MrBojingo • 1 year ago

wont mean shit if they get discredited by corporations or assassinated. Too many businesses would lose money if doctors like that existed.

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

Check out Marc Cuban's drugs-at-cost company aiming to disrupt. I really hope it takes off.

blacksparkss21 • 1 year ago

nah,the one with deeper pockets staid alive,the rest could just fk off,because nowadays Medicine and everything around it is a business nothing more,nothing less.

Kirito • 1 year ago

With high money comes great medicine

blacksparkss21 • 1 year ago

true,but still it could be better.

Viper • 1 year ago

You are overating his ability. First, he needs to know the disease and how to treat it. So, without the proper knowledge, is useless.

RAWRRR • 1 year ago

Nah, they'd find a way to extort more money for that shit, there would be less doctors because it would be monopolized, literally would lead to 100% more deths

Bruh • 1 year ago

Not in UK. It would be free like all medical treatment already is.

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

nope only if you had dinero

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

true thats means no more trial and error and wrong findings and "no more try these medicine first" but it still depends on the one who has the ability sadly if its a wicked a person were doom for insane amount consultation..

Cocoli • 1 year ago

Honestly that's not necessarily a good thing. Overpopulation isn't a huge deal right now. It'd instantly become one.

LesK • 1 year ago

according to the WHO... you're way WAY off. over 200 countries are facing famines right now. more than half of the world is expected to experience SOME form of food shortages in the next 20-50 years. overpopulation IS A HUGE deal right now.

Hyphae • 1 year ago

I would like to point out that while food security and nutrition are major issues in large parts of the world, they aren't problems we can't solve. The simple fact is we produce more than enough to cover everyones needs multiple times over, but the distribution of that food is massively skewed to us in first-world countries and we destroy most of it. If people were less afraid of modern GMO techniques this would be even less of a problem.

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 1 year ago

The W.H.O. ? Are the members of that organisation people with names like... : Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Anthony Fauci, all of the Clintons, Zelenskyy, Bilderbergs, Rockefellers, Obamas, etc. ?

I just know that I can ALWAYS TRUST the «Science» ! YAY for SCIENCE because SCIENCE can NEVER be WRONG and will NEVER be WRONG and has NEVER been WRONG... EVER...!

Well, except for that time when science insisted that heavier-than-air-flying-machines were impossible, and that time when science insisted that continents cannot float, and that other time when science insisted that faster-than-horse-courrier was impossible, not to mention that other time when science insisted that rocks do not fall from the sky (until that meteor made a huge crater near the FAS), and let's not forget the time when science insisted that reproducing sounds could not be done without a ventriloquist, nor about that time when science insisted that pictures cannot move, and also that other time when science insisted that instant-communication across the world was impossible (something related to Nikola Tesla), nor should we forget about that time when science rejected Ohm's Law with vehement-opposition even for a whole entire 20 years after Georg Simon Ohm (the founder of the formula) had already passed away, and also along with that time when... oups, I don't want to make this paragraph too long, but, anyway, yeah, etc.

Anyway, history has obviously STOPPED REPEATING ITSELF so there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that we are doing ANYTHING that is REPEATING HISTORY when we TRUST in the SCIENCE ! I am just going to have to TRUST THE SCIENCE because if I don't «TRUST THE SCIENCE» then «SCIENCE» is INSISTING that I am «killing grandma» if I do NOT ACCEPT the FACT that SCIENCE is INSISTING that there are NO «cures/treatments» for certain things unless we take these EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE PRODUCTS that seem to be owned/produced by those Share-Holders running that VERY SCIENTIFIC Organisation founded by that bald dude...

Ardhanareeswara • 1 year ago

You are right about this one! WHO is just criminal organization to push Deep State agenda for 4th industrial revolution alongside depopulation using vaccination also. Look at horrible death ratio and stillborn ratio. Unprecedented! 92% of vaccinated are the ones who actually died from virus. Its all huge mass hypnosis by deep state using media as weapon and people fall so easily for it!

Also, regarding fake population crisis, Planet Earth can easily house twice as much people. Problem is 1% of people control 96% of ALL resources (including, land). Poverty is artificial, its human made and intentional. Vegan diet would solve the issue as food for meat eaters is almost 100 times more resource costly to grow then, e.g., rice.

LesK • 1 year ago

wow. ok Luddite. back to your cave. shoo shoo. congrats on discovering fire and stone weapons. best of luck with that. watch out for those cave bears and saber tooth tigers.

Hyphae • 1 year ago

So your argument against science, a system that is about progressively improving its understanding of the world and whose practitioners will openly admit that anything they think they understand could be proven wrong by a more robust model at any time, is that sometimes that system does what it's intended to do and updates in the face of new information?

Surely you can see how pointing to a bunch of things we achieved through science and then saying look at how stupid all those scientists are is a little bit silly. Science now is better than it ever has been and going forwards it'll be better than it is now.

I'd also like to take a moment to address your apparent misunderstanding as to the difference between the opinions of scientists and actual scientific knowledge. When a scientist say's they've never seen any evidence of rocks falling from the sky that's just an opinion, if they go out and find evidence then the science can start happening. This can actually lead to some pretty weird things where you'd think something would be considered a scientific fact but it simply can't be, for example, my opinion is that Teletubbies cannot spontaneously generate, but there isn't any way to verify this hypothesis so an opinion it will remain.

I think some of the examples you've given might also be conflating the modern understanding of the scientific method with the more archaic concepts of "science" which this show does a pretty good job at demonstrating so I won't go into detail on that.

As for the WHO data in question, it's literally just a collection of data. Cold hard facts, saying that a number of countries are currently facing food shortages, and more are expected in the years to come.

Moving on to my final point, which in hindsight should have probably been my first, there are some major problems faced by medical science right now, but the scientists aren't really to blame. That's not to say there aren't some real c**ts amongst us, there are, but even then they aren't the major issue. I'm not sure what's happening with your grandmother, and strangers on the internet aren't really the people to talk to it about, but the cost of medical treatment is f*cked. If you want someone to be angry at blame the system that prioritises profit over life. I'm yet to meet a single scientist that doesn't genuinely want to do good in the world, but science is an expensive process and unfortunately research into medicines that are less effective and more costly are more lucrative to investors.

Nobody • 1 year ago

You are a gullible idiot. Questionable papers are sponsored by (redacted) all the time. With enough power, data can be created by making nudges in various ways. E.g. by paying medical institutions for more (redacted) cases, or by making governments shut down their own agricultural industries with laws.

Hyphae • 1 year ago

Could you elaborate on what exactly makes me a gullible idiot? Your argument seems to be that bad actors are sponsoring papers which is something I also said, that and that said bad actors also throw money around to influence laws, which I didn't touch on but would totally agree with. My argument was that it isn't the scientists aren't to blame for the most part, as they genuinely do want to help people.

My evidence for these claims? I for one genuinely want to help people and literally everyone else in any field of medicine I’ve ever met is the same so far as I can tell, and the system being as f*cked as it is, is something we all talk about a lot. Now that isn’t to say that there aren’t c*nts in science who are only in it for the money, but the overwhelming majority aren’t like that.

You call me gullible, but are you sure that you’re not the one that’s been tricked in this case? With the way the media preys on outrage it can be pretty easy to believe that the worst of the bunch represent the majority of any given group.

I could go on all day about all the problems in the world, even if I limit myself to relatively recent ones, but there would be little point to doing so because that’s what everyone is already doing and despite all the absolute crap we have to deal with nowadays we are pretty clearly in a much better state now than we were a hundred years ago. That’s not to say we shouldn’t be worried about and try to fix the problems that exist today, we absolutely should, but those problems shouldn’t be the sole metric by which we judge the world.